Registration form for those who wish a reminder of the course renewal via e-mail

We will send you a re-training (renewal) reminder via e-mail when your certification card or wall certificate is about to expire. Please check and submit the registration form provided below.

If you want to receive our e-mail with your mobile phone, please set your mobile so that you can receive e-mails from

We are looking forward to seeing you in two years.

* Required

Course information

Name of course*
Month of certification*
Certification No* (※Number printed on the surface of the certification card)
Certified Instructor's name* (※Described on the back of the certification card)

Information about you

Your name*
Your e-mail address*
Your e-mail address (re-enter)*
If you wish to receive this information with your mobile phone
Any other inquiries or questions

If you don’t receive an e-mail in a week (except holidays) from the date you submitted this form, please contact us at for confirmation.